After becoming certified, are there any partnerships or networks where graduates can find job opportunities or offer their consultancy services?

Graduating from our course plugs you into an alumni network of AI professionals. We have partnerships with several businesses and consultancy firms, always on the lookout for our certified Chief AI Officers.

Beyond the Q&A calls and one-on-one consultations, is there a platform where students can ask questions or seek clarifications on the course material?

Absolutely! Outside of the Q&A sessions and consultations, our dedicated course forum in Slack is active round the clock. Both instructors and fellow students are always eager to help out with any questions.

How is progress assessed throughout the program? Are there any exams or projects that one needs to complete for certification?

At the end of each module, there’s a quiz to assess your grasp on the topics covered. The certification is awarded upon successful completion of all modules and a final capstone project where you’ll devise an AI strategy for a mock business scenario, or for your own company if you have one.

How long does it typically take to complete the program? Is there a recommended time commitment per week?

The program is self directed, but most students complete it in 12 weeks or less, with each module designed to be completed in a week max. We recommend dedicating 4-6 hours per week, which includes time for video lessons, readings, hands-on exercises, and live Q&A sessions.

With the Slack community, are there scheduled networking events or opportunities to collaborate with fellow students on real-world projects?

Yes, our exclusive Slack community hosts frequent networking events. We also encourage peer collaboration on exercises and case studies, offering an opportunity to work with a diverse set of business professionals.

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